
Karate Class

The first lesson is free.

We are a So-Kyokushin Karate club, our Dojo offers classes for adults and older children to train in a Budo martial art near you.

 You don’t need a “gi” (suit), just clothes to exercise in and be prepared to pour effort into learning.

We don’t try to hard sell you,  just hard train you!

Lessons cost £5 each and last either 1 hour or 1  1/2 Hours and you can pay monthly and save a little.

We are here to train and learn  budo karate- not make money.

If you’ve tried a martial art before, great – expect to begin to learn in much greater depth, be patient with yourself as you learn.

If you’ve not trained in a martial art before, great – this is the best first step, just be patient with yourself – there is a lot to learn and we start with the hard stuff.

We train at Rougham Primary School<Church Rd,  IP30 9JJ Bury St. Edmunds

Mondays 8-9.30pm

Wednesdays 6.30-8pm

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